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Cervix, corpus uteri, ovary, vulva...
Cavum, Larynx, Vocal cords, Oral cavity, Hypopharynx...
Bronchi, Trachea, Thymus, Pleura, Mediastinum...
Esophagus, Stomach, Rectum, Anal canal, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Colon...
Cerebellum, Pituitary gland, Spinal cord, Peripheral nerves.
Skin, Eyelids, Lips, Scalp.
Prostate, Bladder, Testis, Penis.
Hodgkin's disease (MDH), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and myeloma.
Acoustic neuroma, Hypophyseal tumor, Meningioma, Metastases, Re-irradiation, ...
Hemostatic radiotherapy, Decompressive radiotherapy, Analgesic radiotherapy
Osteomas, Heel spurs, Keloids...
Radiotherapie, what is it ?
What are we treating?
Radiotherapy techniques
Medical physics and radiological protection
Patient pathway
Chemotherapy, what is it ?
Types of chemotherapy
Nuclear medicine, what is it ?
Treatment Options
Diagnostic Options